Poland Synthesis
Poland Synthesis

We have grown accustomed to an excess of illumination in the night cityscape. Yet it is enough to go beyond the outskirts to find oneself on a dark road with no lights. In such murky scenery, light sources define space in a different way. Electric lamps and neon signs bring material shapes out of the darkness, creating new, almost theatrical, fleeting visions, as if from scratch. The light infiltrates the surroundings, imbuing them with its own color cast.
For around 4 years, traveling across Poland by night, I photographed seemingly bland locations which, subject to electric light, conjure visions of another, “better” reality. My expeditions would last up to a week each. My assistant would drive so that I could look through the window during the journey. We travelled at night. We would go to sleep at 8 a.m., still a winter dawn, and get up around 2 p.m., already at dusk. Dawn after a sleepless night always impresses me.
Size of works 110 x 136 / 62 x 85 cm
Edition 5 + 2 AP, inkjet print on cotton paper